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Digital Products

Products to help you on your pumping journey.
Dropping a Pump + Weaning
Back to Work & Bottle Prep PDF Guide

Going back to work is stressful and overwhelming, use this guide to make it easier. This 9 page guide includes:

-Sample Schedules for any kind of job
-All the equipment: what to pack, what to leave
-How to prep the upcoming weeks
-Pump & Portability Options
-Preparing bottles for home, daycare, or babysitter
-What to do if you aren't making enough milk to send

Increasing Supply & Building a Stash

What creates and maintains your milk supply?
5 REAL Ways to increase your milk supply
Building a Stash as an Exclusively Pumping or Nursing Mom
What works and what does not work
Supplementing: how, why, when?Emotional Support (yes you need it)

Prevent Food Allergies in Your Babe
For pregnancy and parents of babies up to 4 months
The Ultimate Pumping Course
Your step-by-step guide to stress-free pumping.
Live Workshops
Sidestep common pumping problems.
Virtual Consultations
Personalized guidance and support.
Free Downloads & Resources
Freebies to help you on your pumping journey.
Favorite Products
My most recommended pumps and products.
Phone Consultations
Get the one-on-one help you need.